How to Book an Osprey Hide
Questions? Please click here to read our FAQ
To book your session, or to enquire about an existing booking:
Please email:
or call: 07710636395
All payments are via a bank transfer. Once a payment has been made, it is non-refundable. If for any reason you need to amend your booking, we will make every effort to rearrange your booking for a convenient date. Unfortunately, you will not be able to change your booking less than 72 hours prior to your visit.
Osprey Photography in Rutland
A unique opportunity to experience these amazing birds fishing at close range.
This incredible photo opposite was taken by Sue Berry from our new photographic hide at Horn Mill Trout Farm. We offer the opportunity to photograph these birds from a purpose built hide at our Horn Mill site. Click the button below for more information about the Horn Mill site, or email Lawrence:

Horn Mill Osprey Hide

Horn Mill Trout Farm
Phone: 01780 482822